List of Cyberchase episodes

Cyberchase is an animated mathematics series that currently airs on PBS Kids. The show revolves around three Earth children (Jackie, Matt, and Inez) who use mathematics and problem-solving skills to save Cyberspace from a villain known as The Hacker. The three are transported into Cyberspace by Motherboard, the ruler of this virtual realm. Together with Motherboard's helper, Digit (a robotic bird), the three new friends compose the Cybersquad. Each animated episode is followed by a live-action For Real interstitial before the credits, hosted by young, comedic actors who explore the episode's math topic in the real world. The show is created by the Thirteen Education division of WNET (channel 13), the PBS station for Greater New York. After the fifth episode of Season 8 in 2010, Cyberchase went on hiatus. However, on April 3, 2013, it was announced on the show's official Facebook page that it would return for a ninth season during the fall. On February 10, 2015, Gilbert Gottfried, the voice of Digit, announced that five new episodes were expected to be broadcast in the latter half of that year as the show's tenth season. In April 2015, the show's Twitter account retweeted a photo indicating that the season would focus on health, math, and the environment. In January 2017, it was announced that Cyberchase would be returning for an eleventh season, with ten new episodes set to air later in the year. In May, producer Kristin DiQuollo and director Meeka Stuart answered questions about the show in a 19-minute video. In October 2018, it was announced that Cyberchase would air for a twelfth season. The season premiered with a movie special on April 19, 2019, with the remaining episodes set to begin airing in the fall; However, all but two of the episodes premiered in 2020. A thirteenth season was confirmed by Robert Tinkler, the voice actor of Delete, on X, which premiered on February 25, 2022. A fourteenth season premiered on April 21, 2023. A fifteenth season premiered on April 27, 2024.

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